Tangkoko National Park

About Trip

Dapat dicapai dgn 2jam perjalanan dari kota Manado. Merupakan taman nasional berupa hutan hujan tropis yg terletak di kaki gunung Duasudara pada bagian Utara dari Sulawesi Utara

Dengan luas 8781ha, beberapa jenis binatang yg hanya ada di pulau Sulawesi dan pulau2 sekitarnya antara lain tarsier (one of the smallest primata), black monkey, cus cus bear, some of birds( hornbill, hawk owl, Sulawesi hornbill and others), python snake, pyt viper etc. Alfred Russel Wallace a naturalis & biologist and one of evolution theory inventor in 1859 was observed the animal in this national park and make zonation with name Wallacea Weber were the animal separated about Asia and Australasia geographical, were in the east of Indonesia dominated relation with Australia species.

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